Sunday, August 28, 2016


The meme " Awwww.. Yeah.. "  appeared in the movie Spider-Man 2 (2004) by the acting of J.K. Simmons that interpreted the role of J. Jonah Jameson’s, the boss of Peter Parker.
This expression was the reaction of J. Jonah Jameson’s to Peter Parker asking to be paid in advance

The most famous Yao Ming meme was made out of a photograph taken on a press conference after the 2009 NBA’s playoffs 6th game (In which Houston Rockets beat Portland Trail Blazer) on the 30th of April that was given by Ron Artest and Yao Ming (both from the winning team).
This expression occurred in which Yao Ming was laughing his ass off because his partner was telling the journalists that this time when he ended up inside the stadium crowd he was playing at their own stadium and that people was offering beer to him that he would have drank if there wasn’t so many cameras around.

The origin of this meme is the character of the popular “How I Met Your Mother” series, “Barney Stinson” (Neil Patrick Harris).
The expression happens on the 1st episode of the 4th season while Barney tries to be nice with the girl he likes, telling her he just wants to listen to her talk about how was her day and how she felt about it.
During the whole series, a lot of times, Barney backs up his opinions fabricating stories and then says “true story” to convince people of their authenticity.

This meme (usually referred to as Tobey Maguire Funny Face mostly for "I see what you did there") was originated by an expression made by Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) in a blooper vídeo from the film Spider-Man 3 (2007).

This meme " If you Know what I mean" originated from a photograph of Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson).

This meme is normally known as “I think we have a badass over here” that had it’s origin in an interview to this astrophysicist in a forum called “Big Think”.

Saturday, August 27, 2016


Sabia que na infância cerca de 90% da hormona de crescimento é libertada durante o sono?

As crianças que dormem menos tempo do que o aconselhado ou que apresentam distúrbios decorrentes do sono podem ter problemas no desenvolvimento físico, no fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, na consolidação da memória e dificuldades no relaxamento muscular.

O tempo de sono recomendado por faixa etária varia de especialista para especialista. A American Sleep Association divulgou (2015) novas recomendações onde estabelece períodos mínimos e máximos adequados a cada idade.

No entanto, alerta para o facto de que o tempo para um sono reparador varia de acordo com as características pessoais. Refere também que dormir de mais é tão mau como dormir pouco, estabelecendo limites mínimos e máximos aceitáveis.


  • Recém-nascidos (0-3 meses): 14 a 17 horas (anteriormente 12-18)
  • Bebés (4-11 meses): 12-15 horas (anteriormente 14-15)
  • Crianças (1-2 anos): 11-14 horas (anteriormente 12-14)
  • Crianças em idade pré-escolar (3-5 anos): 10-13 horas (anteriormente 11-13)
  • Crianças em idade escolar (6-13 anos): 9-11 horas (anteriormente 10-11)



in “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child” de Mark Weissblut

IdadeSono diurnoSono noturnoTotal de horas sono
1 semana8 horas8h1516h15
1 mês7 horas (3 sestas)8h4015h40
3 meses5 horas (3 sestas)10 horas15 horas
6 meses4h15 (2 sestas)11 horas15h15
9 meses3 – 4 horas (2 sestas)11 horas15 horas
12 meses3 – 4 horas (2 sestas)11h1515 horas
18 meses2h15 (1 sesta)11h1513h40
2 anos2 horas (1 sesta)11 horas13 horas
3 anos1h40 (1 sesta)10h4012 horas
4 anos1 hora (1 sesta)11 horas12 horas
5 anos11 horas11 horas
6 anos10h4010h40
7 anos10h4010h40
8 anos10 horas – 10h4010 horas – 10h40
9 anos9h40 – 10 horas9h40 – 10 horas
10 anos9h459h45
11 anos9h409h40
12 anos9h409h40