Monday, May 29, 2017


  • San Francisco (1936) - In this movie, based on the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, the city is, predictably, destroyed by the earthquake.
  • It Came from Beneath the Sea (1955) - A giant mutant octopus (with six arms, so maybe a sextopus?) terrorizes San Francisco and tears down the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) - Gelatenous extraterrestrials abandon their uninhabitable planet and land in San Francsico, where they begin their clandestine invasion. (The 1956 version of the film is set in nearby Mill Valley as well.)
  • Superman (1978) - A catastrophic earthquake devastates San Francisco, and Superman rescues a school bus precariously hanging off of a badly-damaged Golden Gate Bridge.
  • A View to a Kill (1986) - James Bond thwarts Max Zorin's plans to detonate explosives at lakes in near the San Andreas and Hayward faults which would cause them to flood.
  • The Rock (1996) - A radical group of ex-Marines sieze Alcatraz and threaten San Francisco with explosives and biological weapons.
  • The Core (2003) - The earth's core stops rotating, causing widespread distruction throughout the earth. San Francisco is struck by an an event that leads to the destruction of the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) - Magneto moves the Golden Gate bridge to provide easy access to Alcatraz island where Worthington Labs is located, destroying it.
  • MegaShark vs Giant Octopus (2009) - MegaShark and Giant Octopus are corralled into the San Francisco Bay in order to fight to the death. While it is entering the San Francisco Bay, MegaShark jumps out of the water and destroys the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • Monsters vs. Aliens (2009) - A standoff between the monsters and a destructive robot occurs in the San Francisco bay, and in the process the Golden Gate Bridge is destroyed.
  • Star Trek (2009) - Captain Nero, the villain in the movie, drills in the San Francisco Bay in order to deposit Red Matter into Earth in order to destroy it.
  • Terminator Salvation (2009) - In 2018, John Connor launches an assault on a major Skynet base in San Francisco.
  • Contagion (2011) - San Francisco is one of the first cities hit by the super-virus, and is used frequently to illustrate the state of the decline of civilization.
  • Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011) - Ethan Hunt thwarts Kurt Hendricks attempts to launch a Russian nuclear missile targeted at San Francisco.
  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) - Hyper-intelligent apes from the North Bay laboratories of "Gen-Sys" break out and wreak havoc on the city of San Francisco.
  • Pacific Rim (2013) - A giant monster, or "Kaiju" appears from another dimension and attacks San Francisco, with the attack spanning nearly a week and killing tens of thousands. The attack was only the first of many attacks around the world.
  • Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) -The starship USS Vengence crashes into the downtown just after a battle against the USS Enterprise.
  • Godzilla (2014) - You guessed it: Godzilla wreaks havoc in San Francisco, and the Golden Gate Bridge goes down in the process.
  • San Andreas (2015) - As well as Los Angeles, the entire San Francisco is destroyed by an earthquake and then a tsunami. The movie's climax takes place here.
  • Terminator Genisys (2015) - San Francisco is shown destroyed in a post-apocalyptic future, as well as a major fight scene taking place on the bridge



Saturday, May 20, 2017

HINO NACIONAL ( Introdução)

  HINO NACIONAL (Letra da Introdução ) DUVIDA ? CLICK E VEJA: 

Em 1906, portanto após a Proclamação da República, iniciou-se um concurso para indicar a letra que melhor se adaptasse ao hino nacional brasileiro.

A letra escolhida foi o belo poema de Joaquim Osório Duque Estrada. O que pouca gente sabe é que a introdução do hino nacional brasileiro já possuía uma letra, cuja autoria é atribuída a Américo de Moura, que acabou excluída da versão oficial.          

  Letra da introdução do Hino Nacional Brasileiro 

Espera o Brasil que todos cumprais com o vosso dever 
Eia! Avante, brasileiros! Sempre avante 
Gravai com buril nos pátrios anais Do vosso poder 
Eia! Avante, brasileiros! Sempre avante 
Servi o Brasil sem esmorecer, com ânimo audaz 
Cumpri o dever na guerra e na paz 
À sombra da lei, à brisa gentil 
O lábaro erguei do belo Brasil 
Eia! sus*, oh, sus!* 

*A palavra "sus" é uma interjeição que vem do latim sus: "de baixo para cima"; que chama à motivação: erga-se!, ânimo!, coragem! Neste contexto é sinônimo de "em frente, avante"

Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas 
De um povo heróico o brado retumbante,
 E o sol da liberdade, em raios fúlgidos, 
Brilhou no céu da pátria nesse instante. 
Se o penhor dessa igualdade 
Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte, 
Em teu seio, ó liberdade,
 Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte!
 Ó pátria amada, Idolatrada, Salve! Salve! 
Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido
 De amor e de esperança à terra desce,
 Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido, 
A imagem do cruzeiro resplandece.
 Gigante pela própria natureza,
 És belo, és forte, impávido colosso, 
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza. Terra adorada, 
Entre outras mil, És tu, Brasil, Ó pátria amada! 
Dos filhos deste solo és mãe gentil, Pátria amada, Brasil!  
Deitado eternamente em berço esplêndido, 
Ao som do mar e à luz do céu profundo, 
Fulguras, ó Brasil, florão da América,
 Iluminado ao sol do novo mundo! 
Do que a terra mais garrida
 Teus risonhos, lindos campos têm mais flores;
 "Nossos bosques têm mais vida", 
"Nossa vida" no teu seio "mais amores". 
Ó pátria amada, Idolatrada, Salve! Salve!
 Brasil, de amor eterno seja símbolo
 O lábaro que ostentas estrelado,
 E diga o verde-louro dessa flâmula -
 Paz no futuro e glória no passado.
 Mas, se ergues da justiça a clava forte, 
Verás que um filho teu não foge à luta, 
Nem teme, quem te adora, a própria morte. 
Terra adorada Entre outras mil, És tu, Brasil, Ó pátria amada!
 Dos filhos deste solo és mãe gentil, Pátria amada, Brasil!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


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Monday, May 1, 2017



4 Not-So-Obvious Reasons for Excess Weight That Have Nothing to Do With Your Diet. 4 MOTIVOS PARA O EXCESSO DE PESO, QUE NÃO TEM NADA HAVER COM SUA DIETA!

1. "Adrenal" weight gain

Adrenal glands partake in the fight-or-flight response to stress. If your body is stressed out too often, you may develop hormone imbalance, leading to different dysfunctions.
Adrenal glands also generate cortisol, the stress hormone, an excess of which results in abdominal weight gain.
Symptoms of adrenal gland dysfunction:
  • Fat deposits in the abdominal and waist areas;
  • Fullness of the face and neck with relatively thin arms and legs;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • High blood sugar, weak muscles, mood swings.
If you suspect your weight gain may be associated with the work of the adrenal glands, consult your physician and try to reduce stress, perhaps with meditation or yoga.

2. "Hepatic" weight gain

The liver is one of your most important organs, responsible for health and well-being. If it malfunctions, belly fat starts accumulating.
The following problems may appear:
  • Increased blood sugar;
  • Increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels;
  • Joint pain, allergies, and skin problems.
If you notice that you’ve started accumulating fat around your waistline without changes in your daily (and relatively healthy) diet, consult your doctor. It may be that your liver isn’t working properly.

3. "Thyroid" weight gain

The thyroid is responsible for the rate of energy use by your body. If your thyroid works improperly, you’ll gain weight even if you reduce energy intake.
Signs of lack of thyroid activity:
  • Weak muscles and lax skin;
  • Lasting fatigue and weight gain;
  • Hair loss;
  • Decelerated heartbeat;
  • Depression.
You should regularly visit your endocrinologist to recognize thyroid dysfunction and take the relevant measures.

4. "Ovarian" weight gain

This reason is characteristic of women with a hormonal imbalance. All carbs ingested by a woman transform into fat deposits. No matter how healthily a woman eats, she’ll still gain weight.
The following are symptoms of ovarian dysfunction:
  • Weight gain even when dieting and actively doing physical exercise;
  • Craving sweets and dairy;
  • Fat deposits in the lower body;
  • Pain or ache in the ovaries.
This certainly isn’t a comprehensive list of reasons for weight gain with a healthy diet and lifestyle, and there are other diseases that can cause it. Therefore, if you’ve suddenly begun gaining weight and can’t lose it, be sure to consult your physician.
Illustrated by Natalia Popova for