13 Tricks You Didn't Know You Could Do On Your iPhone
Airplane mode
If you turn on airplane mode when you're charging your phone (regardless of whether you're in the air or not) your phone will charge almost twice as fast. It's perfect for when you're at a bar and need a quick charge to keep the night going.
Letter passcode
Many iPhone users don't know that they aren't limited to having a 4-digit passcode. By going to Settings > General > Passcode Lock and turning off “Simple Passcode," you can change your passcode to an actual word instead of a number combo. To protect all those selfies even more!
The compass doubles as a leveling tool
If you swipe left in the Compass app, you can find a level that will help you accurately hang pictures, etc.
Get rid of banner notifications
Showing someone a pic on your phone and an embarrassing sext shows up at the top of your screen in a notification? Awkward! If you quickly swipe right to left when the notification appears, it will immediately go away.
Get a domain fast
When typing a URL into Safari, you can save yourself some trouble by holding down the period key to get a handy list of domains you can select.
Go back fast
A relatively unknown gesture can save you some time on your phone: in Messages, Mail and Safari, you can simply swipe right from the edge of the screen to go to the previous window you had open. It's easier than hitting your button to go back to the home screen each time to get a new app. It even works in a select few other apps such as Instagram. Nice!
Volume buttons
You can use the up/down volume buttons on the side of your phone to take pictures! Just make sure your camera app is open.
View timestamps
Want to know the exact time you got a text from forever ago? By sliding the texts over to the left on the screen of the message, you can do just that!
Invert your screen colors
If you're browsing your phone in a really dark room but don't want to turn down your resolution, try inverting your screen colors to make it easier on your eyes. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility and turn on “Invert Colors" for better browsing.
Use emojis as shortcuts
Many of us like to use emojis in our texts but don't like to constantly switch between the two virtual keyboards. By going to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard > Emoji, you can add a new shortcut by putting a frequently used emoji in for a phrase. That way you'll have one less click you have to make.
Capture photos
If you're an iPhone 6 user, you can hold down your capture button to take a series of images simultaneously. When framing the image, hold down the button when framing the image, which will make it ideal to capture a shot you like within the series of images that you take.
Use iMessage abroad
Traveling overseas and figuring out your cell phone situation can be annoying. If you have an iPhone though, even without a data plan, you can text iPhone-using friends through a Wi-Fi connection using iMessage. Make sure you go to Settings > Messages and make sure Send as SMS is disabled, and that iMessage is enabled and you should be set!
Use Siri wisely
Okay, okay, so EVERYONE knows about Siri. However, she actually can come in pretty useful for things you might not think about. If you're laying in bed and too lazy to set your alarm, just tell her to do it and she will!